FREE SHIPPING ON ORDERS $85+ FREE SHIPPING ON ORDERS $85+ | Harvest Fall Blend supports Groundwork Center

Compassion in Times of Conflict - Finding Solidarity

“Solidarity with Palestine” means to us that we are with the two million(ish) innocent people in one of the most densely populated areas on earth being unjustly cut off from basic needs to survive and indiscriminately slaughtered. Just as Palestine has a right to exist, so too does Israel.  We...

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Sharing the Cool News on Climate Progress: A Cool Farm Tool Update

Sharing the Cool News on Climate Progress: A Cool Farm Tool Update

Recent findings from Cooperative Coffees’ carbon assessment study indicate encouraging results toward the ongoing battle against climate change via small scale farming over large scale industrial agriculture practices. Higher Grounds is proud to be a part of this important initiative as member owners of Cooperative Coffees.  How are we contributing...

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Apex Colombians are On Point

Apex Colombians are On Point

Like so many other delicious fruits and vegetables, coffee is a seasonal crop. And while we purchase large enough volumes of most of our coffees to last us an entire year (until the next crop arrives), we also purchase smaller, extra-special and limited coffees to feature in our Apex Series....

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